Campfire Breakfast Burritos

This weekend, I went camping.

I’ll pause now to allow you ample time to finish laughing.

Okay, pull it together, and allow me to carry on.  I may not be the first person you’d expect to unroll a sleeping bag and spend a night in the woods, but my friends are persuasive.  Their camping trips are basically just like long tailgates. And they can throw one hell of a tailgate. So I set aside my makeup for the weekend and hiked my ass up a mountain.  I was in charge of Sunday’s breakfast, and breakfast would be breakfast burritos.  Now don’t be fooled, breakfast burritos are nothing fancy. They’re simple. And easy. And also freezer-friendly! So if you’re looking for a warm breakfast that can be ready in under 10 minutes (whether it’s going from cooler-to-campfire or freezer-to-oven), breakfast burritos are a tasty choice!


Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

These can pretty much be stuffed with anything you want, but here’s what I would recommend (for making 10 burritos):

  • 1 dozen eggs
  • 1 package of breakfast sausage
  • 1 package of bacon
  • 1  green bell pepper
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 white onion
  • 1 small bunch of scallions
  • 1 package of hashbrowns (Yep, I cheated and bought the package. Feel free to make your own with potatoes instead!)
  • 1½ cups of shredded cheese (I used colby jack)
  • 10 whole wheat wraps


In medium sized skillets sprayed lightly with cooking spray, cook the sausage (breaking into small chunks), the bacon, and the hashbrowns.

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

Mix the eggs, salt and pepper in a medium sized bowl and pour into a skillet lightly sprayed with cooking oil. Scramble eggs, being careful not to break it into pieces too small; as you mix the eggs with the other cooked ingredients, you’ll likely end up breaking it into smaller pieces.

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

Chop the peppers and onion into small pieces. Cook in a medium sized skillet with a teaspoon of olive oil.  Cook these slightly less than you would if you would eat the burritos immediately; they will soften up when they are reheated, so you don’t want them to become mushy.

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

In a large mixing bowl, gently mix together scrambled eggs, onion, peppers, and scallions.

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

Set up n assembly line with sheets of tin foil, wraps, hash browns, egg/sausage/veggie mixture, bacon, and cheese….

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored …and pile on the ingredients in that order. Make sure all the cooked ingredients had some time to cool down, otherwise the cheese will start to melt when you compile the burritos. And who likes re-melted cheese? Not I.

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

Wrap the burritos in tin foil and freeze (or refrigerate if you’ll be eating them within the next day or two).

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored When you’re ready to eat them, just throw the entire burrito, tin foil and all, over your fire or camping stove.  If they are very close to the fire, the wraps will toast, and subsequently burn, so make sure you flip the burrito a few times.  After only about 5 minutes on the camping stove, these were hot, toasted, and ready to eat!

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

If you freeze these for an easy weekday breakfast, remember it may take a little longer to reheat. Remove frozen burritos from the foil. Place on a microwave-safe plate and microwave for 3 minutes. Transfer to baking sheet; bake at 450° until crispy, about 10 minutes.

 But wait… there’s more!

For those opposed to (or just not in the mood for) meat in the mornin’ there’s a fruity version of the breakfast burrito, too! Pinterest brought to my attention the wonderful combination of peanut butter, strawberries, and granola, so we had a few fruit-filled burritos for camping, too…

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

Spread a layer of peanut butter on a whole wheat wrap. Top with granola (about 1/4 cup) and strawberries (sliced thin).Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

Wrap tightly…Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

..and unwrap slice in half when you’re ready to eat! I ate mine cold, but this would be pretty good (quickly) warmed over the campfire! Think about adding other fruits, such as bananas or blueberries, too!

Campfire Breakfast Burritos | Something to be Savored

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